Membership means you can take advantage of the Museum’s fascinating permanent galleries and temporary exhibitions as often as you wish and attend opening receptions without charge. Members pay less to take an art class or educational workshop, and enjoy discounted tickets to our theatre performances. Membership means you are supporting the preservation of local history, educating our community as well as visitors passing through, bringing creative opportunities to the Big Horn Basin, and offering cultural awareness.
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Your generosity and support enables us to preserve, educate, and culturally enrich the lives of visitors to the Washakie Museum. It is with your support that we can continue to display quality exhibitions, host professional performing arts events, educate children and adults, and preserve the history of Wyoming's Big Horn Basin. The Washakie Museum is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization and contributions are tax-deductible. There are many ways you can support the Washakie Museum and Cultural Center.